SatNOGS DB is an effort to create an hollistic, unified, global database for all artificial objects in space (satellites and spacecrafts). You can view and export the data, contribute to it, or even connect your application using our API. It's part of the SatNOGS project.
The DB is open to everyone. Anyone is able to submit suggestions or use the existing Transmitters. All data are public and freely distributed under the Creative Commons Atribution-Share Alike v4.0 license.
Detailed description on our API and usage can be found in our wiki.
Data Contribution
DB is a collaborative crowd-sourced project and needs your help! Every piece of information in our DB has been contributed by volunteers editing, suggesting, reviewing and analyzing information about artificial objects in space.
To contibute information data about satellites and spacecrafts please see our contribution guide on our wiki.
If your are a mission owner/builder/operator please contribute your mission information following these steps.
To contribute demodulated data and other valuable information in an automated way, consider joining the SatNOGS Network and host a station. You can get started with this guide on our wiki.
Code Contribution
Fluent in Python and/or JS? We need you to help with satnogs-db web application. Take a look to our source code or visit our issues tracker to start filling bugs, feature requests or code fixes for existing ones. Detailed contribution and development documentation is also availble at docs.satnogs.org.
SatNOGS DB is developed, hosted and maintained by Libre Space Foundation, abiding to the Libre Space Manifesto.