Satellites close to decaying

Recent Contributors

Data - Last 24h
Piszkesteto UHF - 9897 frames
SONIKS: Station_1 - 6164 frames
SONIKS: Station_16 - 5600 frames
UX5UL - 5499 frames
YL3CT - 4167 frames
R1NAV - 3342 frames
EU1AEM - 3105 frames
M0KSF - 3027 frames
SONIKS: Station_17 - 2879 frames
SA2KNG Omni UHF/VHF - 2867 frames
PE0SAT - 2763 frames
EA4EKH - 2582 frames
SONIKS: Station_41 - 2412 frames
SONIKS: Station_71 - 2404 frames
SONIKS: Station_35 - 2363 frames
PE0SAT-21 - 2339 frames
PE0SAT-11 - 2288 frames
Jim UHF - 1698 frames
HB9AKP - 1465 frames
YL3CT-1 - 1454 frames
F4TNK-UHF - 1402 frames
SONIKS: Station_6 - 1387 frames
SONIKS: Station_8 - 1343 frames
SONIKS: Station_3 - 1231 frames
YO4DFT az 315 degrees -North West - 1208 frames
SONIKS: Station_4 - 1177 frames
SONIKS: Station_22 - 1152 frames
M7RED - 1111 frames
SONIKS: Station_64 - 1048 frames
Drachten - 1004 frames
SONIKS: Station_82 - 915 frames
Venables_Shed_UHF - 852 frames
SP7THR-UHF - 834 frames
GAO UHF - 741 frames
SONIKS: Station_21 - 595 frames
IK1JNS-UHF - 584 frames
PE0SAT-31 - 523 frames
EA6TC - 496 frames
SONIKS: Station_13 - 496 frames
SA2KNG Experimental - 450 frames
EST VENUS - 427 frames
SONIKS: Station_12 - 408 frames
SONIKS: Station_24 - 396 frames
SV5QNF - UHF - 386 frames
SONIKS: Station_57 - 370 frames
SONIKS: Station_23 - 355 frames
SONIKS: Station_80 - 347 frames
SPUTNIX-R2ANF-VHF/UHF-stationary - 317 frames
DEX-ONE - 301 frames
rommac uhf lindenblad - 274 frames
SONIKS: Station_33 - 258 frames
EuroSpaceHub-UCM - 220 frames
LW2DYB - 188 frames
DF0OHM Cross-Yagi UHF - 187 frames
IK1JNS-VHF - 187 frames
OH2UDS- HS-MarsOnEarthProject-4-Finland - 184 frames
PV8DX - 161 frames
K8DP - 156 frames
KK7IGS-RR - 149 frames
Not Quite ESL - 143 frames
M0EYT / 2E0NOG - 134 frames
F8KGYSAT - 129 frames
ArgusNavis - 125 frames
DL4PD - 108 frames
ESL_lab_Brno - 102 frames
SONIKS: Station_40 - 95 frames
PE0SAT-12 - 94 frames
RA3PPY - 91 frames
CatSat ARB - 88 frames
N6RFM/5 - 82 frames
YC7OIZ - 82 frames
Dunchurch - 81 frames
JH4XSY-pi - 76 frames
YL3GBC - 73 frames
CX8AF - 72 frames
SatNOGS_Pecna_2_UHF - 65 frames
KB9LEB - 65 frames
W2MMD GCARC Clubhouse - 64 frames
VU2JEK_Nitin - 64 frames
SatNOGS_Pecna_1_UHF - 61 frames
VE2DSK-VHF-UHF - 61 frames
LA4TSA-400MHz - 59 frames
Apomahon - 55 frames
SM0TGU - VHF UHF - 54 frames
JE3HCZ - 48 frames
JA5BLZ - 47 frames
rommac UHF/S/L Band Ground Station - 45 frames
MAUSyagi - 44 frames
OM7AAK - 44 frames
DL7NDR - 43 frames
SS - 42 frames
HS-MarsOnEarthProject-1 - 41 frames
test999 - 41 frames
SONIKS: Station_28 - 39 frames
PF_DE_UHF_X_DIPOLE - 38 frames
ps_ground_station1 - 37 frames
EA4CO - 36 frames
N1JFU - 35 frames
UT4UYF/M - 35 frames
CITEDEF - 33 frames
sat-rx - 32 frames
KU4YJ - 32 frames
SONIKS: Station_78 - 31 frames
CCU Ground Station - 28 frames
CGBSAT-UHF - 27 frames
DG9MA - 27 frames
N6RFM - 27 frames
PU4ELT - 25 frames
ka6akh-ground-station - 25 frames
MVP Aerospace Highland Ground Station - 25 frames
WVU ARC W8CUL - 23 frames
MXL-LowCostGS - 23 frames
PE2BZ-403 MHz-at-work - 22 frames
OZ1SKY - 22 frames
SOBE01 - TURNSTILE UHF - 21 frames
Piszkesteto VHF - 21 frames
EIRSAT-1 GS - UCD Physics - 20 frames
RAVAG - 20 frames
YU1WAT - 20 frames
SONIKS: Station_55 - 19 frames
LU6APA - GAP Station I - 18 frames
EA3GKP Taucho-Tenerife - 17 frames
sp8ncg-rtl1 - 16 frames
Xtoph - 16 frames
K2PI - 15 frames
W9TTY-2 - 15 frames
KK7IGS-ARB - 15 frames
VA2WBT - Montréal, Canada - 14 frames
EA3EA - 14 frames
WH6GVF UHF - 14 frames
DF0OHM Cross-Yagi VHF - 14 frames
CIS Station - 14 frames
SS2 - 14 frames
DEOS_RALF - 14 frames
VE9EX-1 - 14 frames
SONIKS: Station_50 - 13 frames
F4EIH - 13 frames
EI9HWB - 12 frames
EI0RSI - Radio Scouting Ireland - 12 frames
Gooseberry_Hill - 11 frames
om3tps_home - 11 frames
OK2PNQ_omni_Letonice2 - 11 frames
DK6RS - 11 frames
CatSat RadioRanch - 11 frames
GYM-PU - 10 frames
GSUniTue - 10 frames
N0NQD-SatScanner - 10 frames
K9YO-UHF/VHF - 9 frames
CSPDHQ - 9 frames
Valpo WIRED Lab 1 - 8 frames
SONIKS: Station_87 - 8 frames
OM1LD -Needronix - 8 frames
ZL2MST - 8 frames
LW1EXU-GroundStation - 7 frames
Nekosat (QFH UHF) - 7 frames
BYU Spacecraft Parasitic Lindenblad - 7 frames
KK6NOW - Palm Desert, CA, US - 7 frames
VK5KJP-UHF - 7 frames
VZLU-PRG VHF Omni - 7 frames
station-01 - 6 frames
Drachten S-band - 6 frames
SONIKS: Station_39 - 6 frames
MacPherson_RSS - 6 frames
N9CQQ-EN52-Muskego, WI - 6 frames
UFS-GS - 6 frames
PY4ZBZ - 6 frames
ZS6ETA - 6 frames
EA3AGB - 5 frames
SONIKS: Station_67 - 5 frames
TA2NMU (QFH-South) - 5 frames
PE1RXU - 5 frames
52HancockSt - 5 frames
PARSEC 1 - 5 frames
SP2ZIE - 5 frames
StreetDirt UHF - 5 frames
M7KBB - 4 frames
DF0OHM Turnstile VHF (Test UHF) - 4 frames
USU GAS Yagi Az+El - 4 frames
PARSEC 3 - 3 frames
KD5QZG - VHF/UHF - 3 frames
WD8EBZ - 70cm - 3 frames
SM0TGU - L and S-Band - 3 frames
N6RFM name - 2 frames
(M7GQV) Crystal Radio Receiver Earth Station - 2 frames
XtopheR2cloud - 2 frames
ZL2CWA Hamilton NZ - 2 frames
SONIKS: Station_25 - 2 frames
YD9CKH - 2 frames
PE2BZ s-band experimental - 2 frames
KC4LE 2m/70cm Open Stub J-Pole - 1 frames
EA1FWG - 1 frames
DS-2 (UHF) - 1 frames
TA2NMU #3 (Turnstile) - 1 frames
W6MSU U - 1 frames
Archenhold - 1 frames
CT7AFR - 1 frames
UT5U** - 1 frames
PE2BZ-437 - 1 frames
VK4JBE-UHF - 1 frames
F4KLD - 1 frames
OHB HELLAS - 1 frames
HB9FXX S-Band - 1 frames
Woodbank. - 1 frames
StreetDirt S-band parabolic - 1 frames
HAAEA 2 - 1 frames
Um Alaish 4b - 1 frames
kc0iyt - 1 frames
M0KSF-BB - 1 frames
ESOC UHF - 1 frames