Mission information
Satellite ID
Temporary NORAD ID
Followed NORAD ID
Country of Origin

United Kingdom

Satellite future

Satellite is not yet in orbit


The Prometheus 2 cubesats are owned by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MOD). They have been co-funded by Airbus Defence and Space with In-Space Missions Ltd leading the construction.

The two cereal box sized Prometheus-2 cubesats will operate in low Earth orbit, at around 550km and will provide a test platform for sophisticated imaging, and monitoring radio signals including GPS. The satellites will support MOD science and technology (S&T) activities both in orbit and on the ground through the development of ground systems focused at Dstl’s site near Portsmouth. The cubesats will each have separate equipment installed to test future concepts in support of the MOD’s ISTARI programm for future space-based intelligence and surveillance. The Airbus payloads will support company internal R&D projects targeted at future LEO operations, ISR mission concepts as well as external third party customer R&D needs.

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