LEMUR 2 JK0903EM1407
Mission information
- Name
- LEMUR 2 JK0903EM1407
- Satellite ID
- PQDQ-5086-3402-1909-8173
- 58336
- Country of Origin
United States of America
Satellite is in orbit and operational
Mission timeline
- Launch Date
- 2023-11-11T00:00:00+00:00
SatNOGS Links
Mode U - GMSK
- Type
- Transmitter
- Downlink Mode
- Downlink Frequency
- 402790000
- Baud
- 9600
- Unconfirmed
- Yes
Most Recent Observers (last 24h)
No observations recorded for LEMUR 2 JK0903EM1407 in the last 24h
Data Frames Decoded - 30 Days
There is no decoded data for this satellite in the last 30
No Decoders Found
Help us develop a decoder, you can find instructions at this wiki link
Orbital Elements
Warning: There is at least one newer non-redestributable TLE set.
Latest Two-Line Element (TLE)
- TLE Source
- Space-Track.org
- TLE Updated
- 2024-12-04 20:38:14 UTC
- TLE Set
1 58336U 23174CJ 24339.45595275 .00021868 00000-0 80517-3 0 9994
2 58336 97.4367 52.9234 0007737 334.4320 25.6535 15.27834494 59659
No Satellite Suggestions Found