Mission information
Satellite ID
Temporary NORAD ID
Followed NORAD ID
Country of Origin

United States of America

Satellite future

Satellite is not yet in orbit

Mission timeline
Launch Date

MOXY-1 Technology Development, Demonstration, and Deployment mission focused on Distributed Ledger Technology & Imaging. MOXY-1 is a 6U CubeSat equipped with internal imaging sensors and screen to display and share/advertise digital tokens in space. 1. Distributed Ledger Technology and Imaging (DLT&I) Payload -- Demonstration of DLT&I technology enabling processing of distributed public ledger transactions in space and their visualization as sharable digital tokens. 2. Interoperable Network Communications Architecture (INCA) Transaction Processing and Visualization application -- provides a source of transaction data and related image products with high QoS requirements interacting with the spacecraft Software Defined Radios. Using a combination of onboard computational capacity and ground based mission/payload operations control resources near real-time radio link Quality of Service (QoS) characterization in terms of performance, availability, and security will be performed. The resulting data will be correlated the near real-time state model of the end-to-end communications system. This is intended to further advancement of radio technologies enabling dynamic (rather than scheduled) allocation of communication resources and the evolution to INCA by testing systems with customer applications (i.e.,real world requirements).

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Most Recent Observers (last 24h)

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Data Frames Decoded - 30 Days
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