Mission information
Satellite ID
Temporary NORAD ID
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Country of Origin


Satellite future

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A 3U CubeSat mission.1. Buthane warm gas propulsion (primary experiment): Students from the PW-Sat3 team are designing, testing and qualifying buthane warm gas propulsion. Device will be used to perform station-keeping maneuvers and in the end of the mission, deorbiting maneuver. 2. AOCS system (primary experiment): Another team of students is working on the custom AOCS system that will be used during propulsion maneuvers to align the satellite in the optimal orientation. 3. EHS sensors: As the secondary experiment, students want to test Earth Horizon Sensors made from industrial IR matrixes 4. Camera module: Similarly to the PW-Sat2 mission, the team wants to capture some breathtaking views from space to share it with everybody following the project and development of space exploration. We want to implement a simple open transponder onboard the satellite so that radio amateurs could broadcast custom radio packets. We are also investigating the possibility to allow radio amateurs to download on-demand low-resolution images from the camera module. Both functionalities would be enabled periodically due to energy budget constraints. Furthermore, similar to PW-Sat2, after completing LEOP and warm-gas thruster tests, we plan to broadcast various commemorative beacons.

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Most Recent Observers (last 24h)

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